Querying Multiple Datasets with Gatsby Source Filesystem

Querying Multiple Datasets with Gatsby Source Filesystem

Gatsby is one of the more popular frameworks for building blogs these days. By using the gatsby-source-filesystem plugin you can read in markdown files and generate corresponding blog post pages.

How do you query different datasets in Gatsby?

One question I’ve had though is how to work with multiple datasets. For example, I have a page for my blog and a page to display the recent conference talks I’ve given. The content for these pages is stored in Markdown files. My issue was that I didn’t know how to query specifically for blog content and talks content? Here’s what I came up with.

Project Setup

In my project, I’ve got a data folder. Inside of the data folder is a talks folder and a posts folder. In each of those folders are the actual markdown files. For example.

  • data
    • posts
      • post1.md
      • post2.md
  • talks
    • talk1.md
    • talk2.md

In my gatsby-config.js I have this configuration for the gatsby-source-filesystem plugin.

  "resolve": `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
  "options": { "name": "data", "path": `./src/data/` }

The Query

I found two options to solve the problem.

Use sourceInstanceName to query data sets by name

First, you can specify your data set by using a filter on sourceInstanceName. The value that you filter on should be equal to the name property in the configuration above 👆️, in this case data.

{ allFile(filter: { sourceInstanceName: { eq: "data" } }) { edges { node { absolutePath } } } }

The downside to this is that you would need to create multiple configuration objects in your gatsby-node.js file for it to work.

    "resolve": `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
    "options": { "name": "posts", "path": `./src/data/posts/` }
    "resolve": `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
    "options": { "name": "talks", "path": `./src/data/talks/`

Works fine, but it is hard to scale. You probably don’t want many different config objects. Alternatively, you can use a regex expression to filter based on the folder path. In other words, you can query for all files in the talks folder and/or the posts folder separately.

So, keep the plugin configuration the same as we had it originally, and then update your query like so.

{ allFile(filter: { absolutePath: { regex: "//posts//" } })
  { edges
    { node
      { absolutePath }


There you go. Now, you shouldn’t have any issue querying different data sets within Gatsby!